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Body Priority Services

Private Exercise Physiology
Our Exercise Physiologists will provide tailored treatment plans that are effective in pain management and act as medicine for the prevention of chronic health conditions and injuries. This service includes a non-invasive initial assessment where relevant health goals will be set, followed by the prescription of a bespoke exercise program and counselling with a strong focus on reducing sedentary lifestyle behaviour.
Workers Compensation/CTP
Our Exercise Physiologists are WorkCover accredited to provide return to work services under WorkCover and CTP schemes. We provide specific exercise therapies to guide you through your injury rehabilitation and meet your work demands.
Body Priority is NDIS registered. Our Exercise Physiologists have expertise with various disabilities, giving individuals who are living with intellectual disability and neurological conditions the necessary tools to achieve greater mobility and independence, improving their quality of life.
Medicare EPC/CDMP
Bring in your Medicare EPC/CDMP if eligible from your GP as part of the medicare rebate system to receive 5 rebated sessions. Our qualified Exercise Physiologists will provide you with an exercise program and approrpiate education to help treat and manage your condition.
Entitled DVA clients referred for clinically effective exercise treatments to help treat and manage their various injuries and aim to assist with pain management.
Athletic Performance & Rehabilitation
We provide personalised strength and conditioning programs to help you achieve peak performance and recover from injuries. Our qualified Exercise Physiologists use proven methods and sports science to optimise sporting abilities, with ongoing fitness testing to track your progression.
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